segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2009

prazer com lukacs

(Nosso amigo aí tava passando mal. Eu que o diga, não suportava mais aquele template! Mudeeeeei!)

To gozando com Lukacs. Minha auto-ajuda do feriado.

Não tem em outra língua onlain. Então transleiteiem. Eu não vou perder tempo racionalizando trechos do MEU prazer (intelectual):

“This tendency in capitalism goes even further. The fetishistic character of economic forms, the reification of all human relations, the constant expansion and extension of the division of labour which subjects the process of production to an abstract, rational analysis, without regard to the human potentialities and abilities of the immediate producers, all these things transform the phenomena of society and with them the way in which they are perceived. In this way arise the ‘isolated’ facts, ‘isolated’ complexes of facts, separate, specialist disciplines (economics, law, etc.) whose very appearance seems to have done much to pave the way for such scientific methods. It thus appears extraordinarily ‘scientific’ to think out the tendencies implicit in the facts themselves and to promote this activity to the status of science”.

Se tu não tivesse virado stalinista, beijo na tua boca, LINDO!

Plus: diversão garantida

E pra quem interessar, da mesma categoria que o ilustríssimo ideólogo de direita, Senhor Alborghetti, Sr Olavo de Carvalho – um cérebro de cabeça de caviar, certamente – , numa cruzada ideológica eletrizante no território da araucárias:

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